Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentine's Day...the most commercial holiday there is...a total waste of money...pointless and stupid...and acne causing(bc of the chocolate). haha but I guess it's kinda fun..hahaa
My cute little box of candy:)...that is gone now:(
My BEAUTIFUL cake I decorated:)

AND..King Of Hearts..we buy a heart from senate for 2 dollars..we decoarate it with our names and whatever else we please and give it to a boy who works for it. They have to be nice to us and do things for us. Whichever boy has the most hearts at the end of the day is crowned King Of Hearts and wins a 15 sonic gift card..Sure its fun but what do the girls get? Me and my friends decided that next year on of the sophmore girls will be crowned QUEEN of Freshman lovee to change things and make them OUR way:) anywayss here is the heart i decorated:)

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